Tuesday 15 October 2013

Are you a Jacobin?

Print out this handout and follow the instructions.

Problems in France
Solutions proposed by the Jacobin Club
Solutions proposed by the Girondins
What I think:
-priests would sooner listen to the pope than listen to every day people

-all priests should be put on trial as enemies of the revolution!
-church land should be sold, and priests should be made into employees of the National Assembly.

-the king has way too much power in the old system

-the king should be executed for crimes against the people
-The king and the National Assembly should work together in a “constitutional monarchy”

-Rich people are moving away from France because they don’t like that the revolution takes away their privileges

-people who leave should be executed as enemies of the revolution
They should just be allowed to leave

Austria wants to fight a war
-we should not go to war because if we do, we could give the army more power than the National Assembly.

-we should go to war so that we can spread revolutionary ideas across all of Europe

1. Fill in the chart, and circle the ideas that make the most sense to you.
2. Decide whether you want to be a member of the Jacobin club or the Girondins.
3. Jot down some ideas about how you would persuade others to agree with you for each topic.

4. Tweet a statement as either a Jacobin or a Girondins about two of the topics (Two tweets total).

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